2020 China-Singapore Blockchain Leaders Online Summit: Keep Up with the Latest Blockchain Trends

Wanxiang Blockchain
3 min readMay 25, 2020


Preface: July 4th, the premium blockchain summit, 2020 China-Singapore Blockchain Leaders Summit (The Summit) is going to be held by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, Singapore University of Social Sciences and 8btc.com online under the theme of “Work Together to Win the Future”. This online summit will offer you an opportunity to keep up with the latest development and trends in blockchain as experts from China and Singapore will share their thoughts on hot issues in blockchain and representative teams in blockchain application from both countries will exchange ideas and display their core technologies.

Dialogue Between Major Asian Blockchain Powers Reveals Exciting Opportunities

China, the first country to make blockchain a national strategic industry and Singapore, the first country to embrace blockchain technology, are undoubtedly major powers in Asia to promote blockchain innovation.

In China, the development of blockchain was announced as a national strategy on October 24th, 2019 and President Xi stressed that blockchain should be taken as an important breakthrough to innovate core technologies developed by China and this requires us to make more efforts to solve major technical problems as a way to accelerate the development of blockchain and the innovations in this industry.

As for Singapore, it embraced blockchain with open policies and a friendly environment when the technology was still at its infancy. Being the leader in introducing Regulatory Sandbox to financial technology around the world, Singapore set up a strict regulatory framework, which not only opens to Bitcoin, an innovative financial product, but also creates a friendly environment for innovating and promoting blockchain technology. That is why plenty of entrepreneurs were attracted to start blockchain business in Singapore.

You may wonder what new ideas and opportunities will be inspired when China and Singapore combine their experience and strengths together. Let’s explore the answer in the Summit, an unprecedented dialogue between the Asian blockchain powers and an online blockchain feast.

Topics Inspired by Hot Blockchain Issues Offer You a Great Picture of Global Situation

Based on the hot issues and the latest technologies in blockchain, the Summit will focus on the topics to explore the trends in blockchain development.

What solutions can blockchain offer to Web 3.0, the most controversial issue in recent years, regarding data management, privacy protection and business application?

China and Singpore, who has the upper hand in blockchain application?

At the Summit, representative teams from China and Singapore will share their ideas on and solutions to Web 3.0 as well as their core technologies

2020 witnessed the release of Libra Whitepaper 2.0 and China’s central bank trying on digital currencies. Stable coins and legally-backed digital currencies seem to be around the corner, but who will become the protagonist of the future? Economists from both countries will have a deep discussion on this question that may fundamentally change the world.

Besides, regulator representatives from both countries will elaborate on the advantages the two countries’ regulatory systems may offer to blockchain enterprises.

Apart from topics mentioned above, Chinese and Singaporean young entrepreneurs will be invited to the Summit to share their understandings of the value, challenges and future of blockchain.

Moreover, the Summit will also cover trendy issues like Defi, blockchain security, investment trends, etc.

These unsolved topics, covering the most exciting and confusing aspects in the blockchain industry, indicates an ambiguous future. However, with more and more institutions, regulators, magnates and business application projects taking part in the industry, we believe blockchain will certainly set off to a rapid development.

At the Summit, you will meet friends from different industries who share the same confidence and confusions on blockchain with you. You will have an opportunity to discuss the confusions with each other. Some of the confusions may be answered while new ones may appear. But we believe all of these confusion are valuable in promoting human and technological development.

Let’s Work Together to Win the Future with blockchain. Looking forward to meet you online at the Summit on July 4th,2020.



Wanxiang Blockchain
Wanxiang Blockchain

Written by Wanxiang Blockchain

Wanxiang Blockchain is dedicated to building an open platform and offering resources to develop blockchain and promote its application in different industries.

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