DAY 3 of 2022 Wanxiang Blockchain Global Blockchain Summit | Layer2 Discussions

Wanxiang Blockchain
3 min readSep 23, 2022


On 22 September, leaders from impressive blockchain projects were gathered for a series of innovative talks and discussions centered on Layer2. Speakers include Alex Gluchowski, zkSync CEO, Steven Goldfeder, Offchain Labs co-Founder and CEO, Eli Ben-Sasson, StarkWare co-Founder and President, ZHANG Ye, Scroll co-Founder, DONG Mo, Celer Network co-Founder, Leo Li, HashQuark CEO, Steve Guo, Loopring CEO, and Adam, co-Founder.

The 8th Global Blockchain Summit, guided by People’s Government of Hongkou District, Shanghai, has sponsorship from Dfinity (Diamond), Protocol Labs, Qtum, NEAR Protocol, Web3 Foundation (Platinum), NWCD, Chainlink (Gold), Riverman, Relation Labs, and Mortise Labs (Startup). List of the same sponsorship tier is in no particular order of importance.

Under the theme of “Together for a Shared Future in Blockchain”, the event is separated by a lineup of themed forums and a grand opening, each lasting for 2–3 hours. Topics cover this year’s hottest issues that span from blockchain technology, Layer2, DAO, Web3.0 to privacy preserving, data security, metaverse, carbon neutrality, and IoT.

Alex Gluchowski echoed Vitalik’s views upon EVM compatibility in his speech, pointing out that zk compatibility with EVM is actually a “spectrum”. There are actually several types of different approaches and degrees of EVM compatibility in zkEVM world, and Alex delivered a deeper intuition on what each of the types mean and the workable approach to tackle with the challenges of CISC type architectures.

Steven Goldfeder started his speech by introducing some of Arbitrum’s technologies, including Rollup Technology, AnyTrust Technology, and Sidechains. He also described Arbitrum one and Arbitrum Nova, “They have very different focused and very different ecosystem built on that. Arbitrum One is a defined strong call, then also has some strong, high value NFT projects, whereas Arbitrum Nova is really targeted at gaming and social.”

In his lecture StarkNet Explained, Eli Ben-Sasson described StarkWare as the mathematical technology “that allows Ethereum to scale to global demand”. He also introduced Cairo, a new programming language StarkNet has come with. By now, there are hundreds of applications being written, including things for voting, virtual identity, DeFi and gaming.

Zhang Ye introduced in his speech Scroll’s Design and Architecture that Scoll is featured with security, efficiency, EVM equivalence, and decentralization. “Instead of any vulnerable economic gains, it’s also very efficient since the cost per transaction is amortized across a huge batch of transactions.”

The forum ended up with an innovative discussion collectively delivered by DONG Mo, Celer Network co-Founder, Leo Li, HashQuark CEO, Steve Guo, Loopring CEO, and Adam, co-Founder. A couple of topics were discusses in this session, including the Merge, Rollup, and more.

Tomorrow we’ll have experts and industry players discuss topics like privacy preserving and data governance. Join in our event and get valuable insights on these issues that will further your understanding of blockchain and other adjacent technologies and space.



Wanxiang Blockchain

Wanxiang Blockchain is dedicated to building an open platform and offering resources to develop blockchain and promote its application in different industries.