The 8th Global Blockchain Summit Kicked off

Wanxiang Blockchain
4 min readSep 21, 2022


The 8th Global Blockchain Summit kicked off with the opening ceremony at 9:30AM (UTC+8) and was streamed live through Wanxiang Blockchain’s website, marking the official start of this nine-day event.

The 8th Global Blockchain Summit, guided by People’s Government of Hongkou District, Shanghai, will take place from 20–28 September. Nine days of the event will be separated by a lineup of themed forums and a grand opening, each lasting for 2–3 hours. Topics will cover this year’s hottest issues that span from blockchain technology, Layer2, DAO, Web3.0 to privacy preserving, data security, metaverse, carbon neutrality, and IoT.

The summit has sponsorship from Dfinity (Diamond), Protocol Labs, Qtum, NEAR Protocol, Web3 Foundation (Platinum), NWCD, Chainlink (Gold), Riverman, Relation Labs, and Mortise Labs (Startup). List of the same sponsorship tier is in no particular order of importance.

Dr. Xiao Feng, Vice Chairman & Executive Director of China Wanxiang Holdings, Chairman and CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain

The grand opening began with a welcome address by Dr. Xiao Feng, Vice Chairman & Executive Director of China Wanxiang Holdings, Chairman and CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain, at a dazzling virtual stage. He described Ethereum’s transition to PoS a big moment in blockchain history, which also heralds an unprecedented opportunity for the summit to imagine the near future of blockchain.

Dominic Williams, Founder and Chief Scientist, DFINITY Foundation

In his keynote themed as The First Real World Computer — the Internet Computer Blockchain, Dominic Williams, Founder and Chief Scientist, DFINITY Foundation elaborated the latest progress on the internet computer and its enormous step forward in terms of user ability. “When you interact with the web free service on the internet computer,” said Dominic, “you simply create a session by using a face ID or pressing the fingerprint sensor.” He also brought great news about the internet computer that it is of magnitude more efficient than pre-existing blockchains and other blockchains in existence today, and that building on the internet computer blockchain greatly reduces the carbon emissions.

Avery Ching, Aptos Co-founder and CEO

Avery Ching, Aptos Co-founder and CEO introduced their technical breakthoughts including “Block-STM” and MOVE. “Block-STM” allows atomic transactions with high complexity, and MOVE design is a smart contract language built from the ground. “There’s also the support resource scarcity in a way where it doesn’t rely on programmers, but reliance rather than infrastructure itself to support that.”

E. Glen Weyl, RadicalxChange Founder

In his keynote centered on Web3, E. Glen Weyl, RadicalxChange Founder described DAOs as the very center of the promise of Web3. “Yet DAO governance thus far, which is supposed to be the great promise of those has been done primarily through fungible and tradable tokens, allowing anyone who can buy a 51% of the tokens to loot the rest of the value in the ecosystem. And that’s undermining the ability of doubt to thrive.”

Li Ming, Chair of IEEE Computer Society Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Standard Committee

Li Ming, Chair of IEEE Computer Society Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Standard Committee attributes the metaverse development primarily and collectively to new technologies such as NFT, DAO, IoT, cloud computing and big data. He proposed four key elements of metaverse which include organization, identity, assets and activities, and blockchain is the one and only technology that will support these assets full life cycle.

Dr. Xiao Feng, Vice Chairman & Executive Director of China Wanxiang Holdings, Chairman and CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain

Dr. Xiao Feng said in his keynote speech A New Phase of Blockchain: Outbreak of Application Protocols that the Ethereum Merge will presumably mean the completion of blockchain infrastructure and open a new era for applications. The explosion of blockchain applications, collectively empowered by higher TPS and better-developed Web3 technologies and DAOs, will possibly occur in the year of 2025.

On the second day of the 8th Global Blockchain Summit we’ll have experts and industry players discuss the public blockchain technology. Join in our event and get valuable insights on these issues that will further your understanding of both blockchain and other adjacent technologies and space.



Wanxiang Blockchain

Wanxiang Blockchain is dedicated to building an open platform and offering resources to develop blockchain and promote its application in different industries.